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NEW ESSAY: Feral Ethics

Paul Keil

Szczygielska M, Kuen L, O’Mahony K, and Keil P G, (2022) Feral ethics. Thinking feral with pigs. New Alphabet School (HKW)

In this critical essay, the four authors encourage the reader to think through the categorical differences of wild, feral, and domestic with the help of pigs. Putting forth three case studies of environments that have humans co-existing (or trying to) with pigs, the authors guide us to rethink and relearn our anthropocentric ethics through a feral lens.

The essay is part of the theme "Feralizing" at the New Alphabet School, a collaborative self-organized school for practice-based research at Berlin's Haus der Kulturen der Welt. Assuming that knowledge is not universal, but always located, or bound to a specific context, one's own position or place, the school aims to explore critical and affirmative forms of knowledge production in order to create solidarity between different approaches in theory and practice.

For a PDF version of this essay, you can find a preprint version here - FERAL ETHICS_2022_Preprint


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